
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Chrissy preparations...

My current project for my Monty Boy. Stay tuned..

Baxter and Gretta got stuck into making Chrissy paper chains. Baxter really loved the project - and did a long chain on his own. Gretta was a bit more sporatic and did a lot of dancing inbetween sticky taping sessions. 

I've been in a bit of a rut at the moment. I'm keen to do projects, but I'm unable to. There's always something shoving a curly one in. I am feeling anxious and uneasy. My back is out and my rowing machine is a bit lifeless for the last 3 days - which does my head in as well. Monty has been a bit fussy and needy, and I think my uneasyness has rubbed off on the other two.
Maybe I need to just give up on it all and go with the flow?
Any suggestions?
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Julie said...

Breathe. Just breathe. Heard it in your voice when you called today - that sound that sounds so much like my own these days. God never gives us any burden so heavy that we can't carry it, right? Find five minutes for yourself and just "be". No excuses. When you're edgy, they know it, and they become edgy, too. You know that. They feed off of us as we feed of them feeding off of us!!! When you want to run screaming from the house, grab them and pull everyone into a big tickle-hug-wrestling match. And remind yourself, 5000 times a day, that YOU ARE A GOOD MOTHER, and a good woman, and that God, your children, and your man all love you. Oh, yeah...and so do I...

Mom said...

Me too.....